A multi-hyphenate in her own right, no word better describes Alyse Marie than storyteller.
Hailing from Georgia, in a small suburb outside Atlanta, Alyse began her acting journey at the age of 11. Theater ingrained her blood since childhood, the stage has felt like a second home, until she made Los Angeles her third one.
A graduate of the University of Southern California's School of Dramatic Arts, Alyse has studied the craft of acting for stage, film, and television extensively, and continues to dedicate her life to her artistry.
"I am an actor because I could not live fully without being one. I love it that much and it is God-given. Because my parents convinced me I could be anything and I believed them. And because our stories deserve to be told - by us, for us, and dedicated to all those who can relate. My passion and love for crafting characters, holding up a mirror to life, is infinite. And I hope to be a storyteller as long as I live."
